Saturday, January 30, 2010
Weekend at Work
Well this is my weekend to work at the hospital. It's definitely bitter sweet. I love my job and the people I work with but I always cry my first night back because I HATE leaving Ava! I get these wonderful 10 days off and am home with her and for a minute I begin to believe I am a SAHM. Then those 10 days end and reality sinks in...I have to go back to work :(. Since I returned from maternity leave I try to work every other Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday overnight at the hospital. My shift is from 7pm-7am. This really does work out great because hubby is able to watch Ava. He just graduated from Chiropractor school so until we open up our own practice this is ideal. We are just lucky that we do not have to put her in day care. I am also still breastfeeding so I pumped enough during my days off that daddy was left with good supply. Who ever knew that breast milk would be treated like gold. Ava has never had a drop of formula and she just started rice cereal about a week and a half ago. I'm very happy that I have been able to pump at work and keep my supply up for Miss Ava. Working with all the babies at work definitely gets the milk flowing whenever I hear them crying, hold them, etc. There are no mommies in labor right now so I was able to post but probably won't have time to make another entry again until I am off. Cant wait to get home to my baby!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Mother Goose Time
Went to our weekly Mother Goose storybook time at the public library this morning. It is held every Thursday and the Mother Goose class is for babies from 3 months to walking age. The lady that does it sings songs like I'm a little teapot, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, etc. Then she reads the babies a book, we do exercises and then bubbles at the end! Ava loves it,especially getting to see all the other babies and watching the older ones crawl and start to walk. I look forward to this every week and I get to meet other mommies. Ava has a little boyfriend that is always crawling up to her and trying to take her bows.It's too cute.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Aunt Bec's B-day!!
Can't believe my baby sister is 23!. Ava and I had to bring her a balloon and Starbucks gift card :) for her birthday. Ava is wearing one of her outfits from Gymboree, it is a 3-6 month and she is just now fitting into it. You can tell in these pics that she is starting to get some more peach fuzz, hopefully bow clips will start to work soon. She is our bald princess! I've been using a trick my mom gave me ( using a dap of toothpaste on the bow and when it dries, it makes it stick to her head..haha). It really works. Her head always smells minty fresh or I have just had to use these headbands which are also cute. Ava is getting to be so active, she is out of control in her jumper. It is so funny to watch, she bounces and gets so excited with her "talking" and throws her arms up and down. I will try to get a video of it. She is also liking her tummy time more and squirms to reach for her toys, before long she will be crawling. I can't wait to see her scooting around! 
Monday, January 25, 2010
Get Out Your Black and Gold......
The Saints are going to the Super Bowl!!!! What a good game last night! I felt kinda bad for Brett Farve but New Orleans deserves it. Here are some pics of Ava and I's day at the park. There were people feeding bread to the turtles and birds and Ava loved looking at all of the birds. She didn't seem to notice the turtles. We can't wait until it gets a little warmer so we can go to the beach! Probably sometime next month. Just got 2 bathing suits for her and they are adorable. Can't wait to see her in them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pics of Ava since her birth...
I have finally decided to start my own blog all about my daughter, Miss Ava. I started to follow some blogs when I was pregnant because I was curious about other pregnancy stories. Now it is time for me to share my story. Ava is now 5 1/2 months old. The time is flying by. I can't believe she is already almost half a year old. This is the best time of my life! I have always dreamed of having a sweet baby girl and now I finally have her! The love I have for her is undescribeable!! Hope yall enjoyed the pictures of her. I hope to post a couple times a week. We'll see how it goes.
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