Okay so we rented our home and moved into a apartment as a temporary stay. Our lease is for 7 months. We made this decision because we need to be in a spot where we can move once Bryan is able to start up our Chiropractic office. There is no way we could sell our home in this market, so the only solution was to rent it out. Apartment living has been an adjustment especially with a dog. Our miniature pinscher, Belle, is not used to the small space and having to be walked in order to go to the bathroom. She's used be being able to roam the backyard. Also I'm not used to hearing people above me or the guy next door snoring when we are sleeping. No, I'm not joking, the first night we moved in, we were laying in bed and I thought it was the dog snoring, but upon investigation Belle was wide awake and it was our lovely neighbor snoring away. Bryan and I were dying laughing. The best thing about the apartment is that it is literally 2 minutes from my hospital. So convenient!! Also we are saving a ton of money right now!!
During this move, we also went back to Tampa twice for my sister's bridal shower and then her bachelorette party. The bridal shower was very nice and there was a good turn out. She had a joint bachelor / bachelorette party and we all went out to a place in Tampa called Channelside. I saw a ton of people from the past, lots of old high school friends, it was like a reunion. This was classy mommy's first night out on the town to have some drinks. One margarita down and I was feeling good. My sister and brother-in-law babysat Ava. I had pumped and left a bottle for them to give her and then she went to bed. They sent me a text picture of her sleeping. It melted my heart. It felt so weird leaving her to go out, but it was nice to get all dressed up and for Bryan and I to have a night out together. We had a lot of fun and we got to celebrate with my baby sis and new brother-in-law.
In other news, Ava started crawling on St. Patty's Day!! YAY!! She was 7 and 1/2 months. I never thought it was going to happen, she always came so close and then would just fall. But when it happened I just couldn't believe it! Now she is so fast and always after Belle. She also said her first word which was of course "DaDa". Bryan just ate that up. She is his little princess.
We have all just been busy bees but now that life is getting back to normal I should be able to keep up with my blog. We are now looking forward to Easter and Ava's Easter dress should arrive in the mail any day now. It is beautiful and I also bought her a matching bonnet and shoes! We will be going to the mall to get her picture with the Easter Bunny soon!! Well here are a ton of pictures of all our adventures.....






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