My Sister is Pregnant!! I am thrilled and am beyond thankful that Ava will have a cousin this close in age! I always dreamed of my sisters and I having our kids together, raising them together, family vacations with cousins running all around, throwing all the kids in the bathtub to splish and splash around with each other, and now it looks like my dream is on it's way to coming true. She is 13 weeks now and her due date is April 18th. She'll find out the sex at the beginning of November. Just around the corner! I'm secretly wanting her to have a girl but it would also be nice to finally have a little boy in the Family. Rachael I am so Happy for you and you will be such A Loving Mommy and Nick is going to be a Great Dad!!
The Indian is the Pregger
And I leave you with a pic of the little peanut belly

Congratulations! having cousins close in age is awesome :)My SIL and I were pregnant at the same time and our girls are only 4.5 months apart. It's awesome!!