Ava Joy Schmied

Ava Joy Schmied
Born August 3rd, 2009

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mother Goose Time

Went to our weekly Mother Goose storybook time at the public library this morning. It is held every Thursday and the Mother Goose class is for babies from 3 months to walking age. The lady that does it sings songs like I'm a little teapot, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, etc. Then she reads the babies a book, we do exercises and then bubbles at the end! Ava loves it,especially getting to see all the other babies and watching the older ones crawl and start to walk. I look forward to this every week and I get to meet other mommies. Ava has a little boyfriend that is always crawling up to her and trying to take her bows.It's too cute.

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